+44 1501 825024

Case Study

A Combination Solution – HVLS & Enershield Air Barriers Maintaining Temperature & Humidity

Key Objectives

The Challenge

This global leading business provides healthcare solutions in orthopaedics, spinal care, sports medicine and neurosciences. Drying and curing is an integral part of the manufacturing process.

The drying room requires the temperature and humidity to be maintained within certain parameters and the elimination of outside pollutants.  Due to high volumes of traffic this was proving difficult to achieve.

The Solution

After a comprehensive site analysis and discussions with the client, we recommended the installation of two air barriers over the frequently used doors. The air barrier technology ensures environmental separation, thus stabilising the air conditions and ensuring the elimination of outside pollutants.  In addition we also specified two high volume, low speed fans to mix and evenly distribute the air in the room.

The Result

The mix of technologies are providing excellent results and the room now maintains humidity and temperature, together with a cleaner working environment the drying process is consistent in all areas.  With these improvements our client has seen an increase in product yield and now no longer requires to positively pressurise the room.

“Erratic air conditions have always been a major issue in our drying room.  The installation of the air barriers has stabilised this and, combined with the HVLS fans to mix and distribute the air, the results have been very positive.”

Foundry Technologist

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